RGA Winter/Local Rules Update
The Rules of Golf are still governing play
1. Pump House Between #7 & #8
Unmaintained area around the pump house is ground under repair.
If known or virtually certain a ball has come to rest in that area,
Nearest point of full relief and one club length no nearer the hole.
No penalty. (If nearest point of relief is towards #7 fairway, nearest full relief could be on the cart path. You would again, get full relief from the path.)
No penalty.
2. Adopted Rule
A lost Ball or O.B. ball may be dropped within 2 club lengths into the fairway, no closer to the hole from the point where the ball crossed the margin or where the ball is known or virtually certain to be lost. 2 Stroke penalty added to take relief.
3. Bunkers are ground under repair. Date to be played under the Rules of Golf to be determined and will be posted as the conditions of play.
The nearest point of full relief no nearer the hole. No penalty.
4. Preferred Lie local rules.
Balls may be lifted, cleaned and placed, no nearer the hole within a 6” radius. (12” half circle.)
No Penalty.
5. Embedded ball and Leaf relief.
A ball may be dropped no nearer the hole were known or virtually certain the ball came to rest not in a penalty area or out of bounds, not nearer the hole.
No Penalty.
6. Previous sand bunkers, unmarked and unmaintained are ground under repair.
Nearest point of full relief, no closer to the hole.
No Penalty.
These will become part of the General Area when they are maintained.
7. There is no drop zone #3. Red stakes left and Yellow stakes front and right.